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What is Trinity?

Trinity is a cost effective, all-purpose interactive map-based petroleum system analysis, prospect risking toolkit designed for the petroleum geologist to quickly integrate data from seismic interpretation and any other geological data to integrate the geological history with hydrocarbon generation and migration to quantify critical parameters and charge risks for petroleum prospects or exploration blocks.
Why Trinity and ZetaWare?

Typical Applications:

  1. Rank prospects with different petroleum system scenarios: We most likely do not know the thickness (and other properties) of the source rock in the kitchen area, nor do we know the heat flow in the kitchen, or secondary migration losses. The only way to rank prospects is to run different scenarios of these parameters. The prospects that are charged in most scenarios will have the lowest risk, and vise versa. Other parameters that can be risked are top seal capacity, unconformity, source rock facies, even different interpretations of the seismic and the list goes on. Invoking multi-component kinetics while we do not even know the thickness, TOC and HI of the source rock is ridiculous.
  2. Post interpretation value-added geological analysis and map data QC: Drag and drop your interpreted surfaces into Trinity and interactively draw cross sections through them. The cross section can be moved with the mouse to movie through the data and in 3D the cross sections look like fence diagrams, except the fences can be moved! This will reveal much more geology than looking at static maps. Of course it will also reveal any busts and other problems -- easier and better way to QC you map data. Integrate other geological data such as well data, shows, fluids, dry holes, surface surveys and any culture data to reveal relationships missed by the traditional approach. Drape colored properties on surfaces in 3D and much more ...
  3. Prospect charge risking to quantify probability ranges for charge volumes and composition:
    First and only map based charge risking tool that honors the relationship between mature area and maturity, using actual drainage areas determined from the mapped surfaces and maturity modeling. With the great uncertainties in the parameters that govern charge volumes, the probabilistic approach is the best way to evaluate the risk.
  4. Interactive Petroleum system modeling: Other modeling tools require an expert to use and a great deal of data that don't exist. Trinity is for the explorationist. Drag and drop to import your surfaces, build the geological model the way geologists think. In a matter of minutes, you are ready to create maturity maps at any geological time, or even a maturity movie. Click with the syringe to see migration paths and click a prospect to draw its fetch areas. Another click gives you the history of integrated oil and gas volumes expelled from the fetch area.
  5. Phase prediction and reserve calculation: Given the oil and gas volumes in a prospect defined on the map, Trinity will determine the phases that exists at the prospect and the volumes and fluid properties at the reservoir. Investigate what-if? Change any parameter and see the shape and color of the fluid contact change as well as updated volumes and properties. Designed for geologist so you do not need to be an expert on EOS (equations of state).
  6. Pressure prediction: Trinity's flow balance model determines the "centroid" effects of an arbitrary sand geometry. The flow equation is integrated over the sand area and minimized to solve for the pressure in the sand. Results include sand pressure, and max and min. column height maps.
  7. Pre and post processing for 3D basin modeling: A sophisticated model is not much excitement if you can not get it to read your data. With the friendly map editor, ability to import all geological, GIS and even image data, geological model building, analysis and QC, ability to create facies maps. Trinity is used by many basin modelers to preprocess data for 3D basin simulators. With the powerful 3D viewer, it is also ideal for integrating 3D modeling results with other geological data for interpretation and visualization. More importantly, Trinity can use the temperature results of a 3D model, and restored structure surface to calculate charge volumetrics at higher resolution and even perform Monte Carlo risking of the results --- taking basin modeling to the probabilistic level. And yes, we can customize data for your in-house simulator.
Trinity is built on the fact that we do not have the complete and perfect data set a basin simulator requires, yet we need a practical tool to solve problems and answer questions about the petroleum system. Compared with time required to build a typical 3D basin simulator model, Trinity is designed to give us the 90% answer in 10% of the time spent. Yet because of its flexibility, speed and versatility we can actually do much more with Trinity than with a basin simulator. The philosophical basis for this approach is explained here

Feature Examples:

Trinity offers much greater interactivity compared to traditional basin modeling tools because it is many times faster. For example if a new interpretation of the source depth map is available, user only has to replace the old grid and all results are updated instantly. It also allows much higher resolution data to be modeled. So high resolution 3D seismic data do not have to be decimated for modeling purposes.

Trinity enables users to work around data problems and data deficiency to arrive at important conclusions to impact exploration. When there are not enough data to constrain a basin model, user can build their own relationships among geological parameters and use such relationships to predict and map a useful parameter (such as interfacial tension, or quartz cementation, etc. etc.). The possibilities are endless.

The application of Trinity is only limited by the imagination of those who use it.

Trinity user quotes:

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